Pènget: kaca iki minangka terjemahan (mesin) otomatis, yen ana keraguan, waca dokumen asli Inggris. Nyuwun pangapunten amarga kesulitan sing nyebabake iki.

ECTkeyboard - Setelan umum matriks (1-9)

Setelan Matrix Karakter

Text matrix with 8buttons vertically and 7 horizontally (Gambar 12. Matriks teks kanthi 8buton kanthi vertikal lan 7 horisontal) Text matrix with 5 buttons vertically and 12 horizontally (Gambar. 13. matrik teks nganggo 5 tombol kanthi horisontal kanthi vertikal lan 12 kanthi vertikal)

Ukuran tombol sing dilindhungi nalika jendhela matrik teks diowahi ukuran, saéngga ora disaranake nduwe nomer kolom sing akeh banget; ing wektu sing padha, port jeneng prentah utawa ukara dawa mung ora cocog ing papan sing diwenehake ing tombol kasebut (deleng Gambar 14). Skala otomatis bisa dipatèni kanthi ngganti nilai parameter 66 ing panel setelan saka 1 nganti 0.

Text matrix with 12 buttons vertically and 5 horizontally . At a large number the buttons are scaled automatically when the SetButtonSize value is 1 (Gambar. 15. Ing pirang-pirang tombol dikunci kanthi otomatis nalika nilai SetButtonSize 1) Left - the distance between the buttons 1 pixel horizontally and vertically. Right - the distance between buttons 5 pixels horizontally and vertically (Gambar 16. Ngiwa - jarak antarane tombol 1 piksel kanthi horisontal lan vertikal. Tengen - jarak antara tombol 5 piksel kanthi horisontal lan vertikal) Left - the distance between the buttons 2 pixels horizontally and 10 vertically. Right - distance between the buttons 10 pixels horizontally and 2 vertical (Gambar. Kiwa - jarak antarane tombol 2 piksel kanthi horisontal lan 10 kanthi vertikal. Kanan - jarak ing antarane tombol 10 piksel kanthi horisontal lan 2 vertikal) Left - frame width of 1 pixel buttons in the center - 5 pixels to the right - 10 pixels (Gambar. Kiwa - jembaré pigura 1 tombol piksel ing tengah - 5 piksel ing sisih tengen - 10 piksel)