


Text matrix with 8buttons vertically and 7 horizontally (图12.垂直有8个按钮,水平有7个按钮的文本矩阵 Text matrix with 5 buttons vertically and 12 horizontally (图13。文本矩阵,其水平方向为5个键,垂直方向为12个键)


Text matrix with 12 buttons vertically and 5 horizontally (图14.垂直12个按钮,水平5个按钮的文本矩阵。由于自动缩放,退格命令显示不正确) At a large number the buttons are scaled automatically when the SetButtonSize value is 1 (图15。当SetButtonSize值为1时,按钮会自动缩放) Left - the distance between the buttons 1 pixel horizontally and vertically. Right - the distance between buttons 5 pixels horizontally and vertically (图16.左-水平和垂直1个像素之间的距离。右-水平和垂直5个像素之间的距离) Left - the distance between the buttons 2 pixels horizontally and 10 vertically. Right - distance between the buttons 10 pixels horizontally and 2 vertical (图17.左-按钮之间的距离,水平2个像素,垂直10个。右-按钮之间的距离,水平10个像素,垂直2个) Left - frame width of 1 pixel buttons in the center - 5 pixels to the right - 10 pixels (图18.左-中心1像素按钮的帧宽度-右5像素-10像素)