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ECTmorse (EyeComTec-Morse) has many features that give it an edge over the competition. Some of these include:

Price – ECTmorse is completely free to download and use for non-commercial purposes. Individual users don't need to pay for a thing.

Accessibility – ECTmorse has incredibly low system requirements, so even a low end PC or laptop can run the program.

Portability – ECTmorse can be kept in an external storage device like a flash drive or SD card. It can run off of that storage device without any kind of installation needed. This also means that even novice computer users can run and use the program.

Versatility – ECTmorse is fully customizable. Every aspect of the program can be changed to fit the needs of the user, and all of the changes can be saved to a file and reloaded later. Even the Morse dictionary file can be expanded to include custom codes that create special symbols, even Egyptian hieroglyphs. This gives the user the option of having multiple settings files for any given occasion.

Usability – ECTmorse is easy to use. A single key is all that is required to operate the program. As the user types, the characters appear in the program and allow the user to save their progress and edit the text that has been written.

All of these features make ECTmorse able to compete with the expensive software in the market while still remaining free for those who truly need it, making it the best choice when compared with similar software.